counselling at kokoro
Are you looking for a holistic healing journey? If so, you’ve come to the right place. I am a trauma informed body psychotherapist, bringing the whole of your being into play.
In our journey together, your whole background can be embraced- ancestors, feelings, somatic sensations, spiritual considerations, everything you sense in your world.
If you are in conflict with your body, if you feel like your body is fighting you, I can help you make peace with it. There is no part of your existence which is not welcomed here. We will work with both the apparent and the hidden, the least knowable parts of your self that remain in the dark but still tell, a story which we can reveal. If you’re feeling anxious, depressed, alone, stuck, overwhelmed, or having relationship or work issues, I can help.
Maybe there are days when you hate what you see in the mirror – bad hair days, seeing bags under your eyes, just feeling ugh, wondering what is the point of me. Come to the place where you can lay your weary head and open your heart - a place to find relief from emotional, mental, spiritual and physical stress. Maybe you have never been invited or never been allowed to simply show up as you are.
What ever your trauma or however you identify in terms of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, please know that you are welcomed.
Individual Counselling
We all want to experience the full vitality that life can offer, feeling empowered and making decisions that will let us fulfill our aspirations and dreams. We embrace and celebrate the joyous moments, but they can sometimes elude us.
Whatever the reason, whether it be because of bereavement, or loss of work, or a beloved pet, unhealthy thinking patterns that keep us from moving forward and continue to be a source of pain and suffering. Perhaps we might be afflicted with depression or anxiety, feeling overwhelmed by life’s ups and downs. For some this may mean having to deal with chronic pain and the terrible sensation of being immobilized.
When you come to feel that the world is just not a nice a place to be in, Individual Therapy can help you regain your equilibrium, your confidence, and your zeal for life, getting you back in touch with the real, authentic you.
Individual Therapy encompasses counseling sessions and you may include Body Talk if you choose. The sessions are confidential and are tailored to your needs. They are built around establishing a space of safety and trust, for you to share your struggles, thoughts and feelings.
you are not alone
Couples Counselling
Kokoro offers a unique combination of Body Talk Therapy and ‘talk’ sessions for couples who want to heal, deepen, and develop their relationship. Our highly trained specialist approach emphasises the importance of compassion and self-awareness in any relationship we have.
Sessions are tailored to your needs as a couple and are built around establishing a compassionate awareness of each other’s vulnerabilities, strengths, and communications strategies.
Relationships often experience difficulties because partners are unaware of their own expectations and are uncertain how to manage their own vulnerabilities. Couples’ sessions unravel these complex systems of interaction. Then Body Talk Therapy sessions take the issues to the core, addressing them on a cellular level, which helps each partner release negative patterns individually and in full confidentiality, lifting the burden through compassionate mindfulness and empowerment.
The whole process brings the loving vitality back to the relationship.

why do couples come for therapy?
Corporate counselling
I understand the effects of stress, uncertainty, and lack of productivity on a business. At Kokoro Therapy, I aim to help companies and teams become more aware and proactive in addressing these issues.
My approach is rooted in active listening, empathy, emotional intelligence, and understanding. I strive to help my clients find a balance between productivity and well-being, providing them with the support they need to tackle any challenges that arise.
Corporate Counselling is a service designed to provide employees with the support they need to thrive in the workplace. It gives your staff a safe space to speak openly and honestly, and provides a confidential and professional service to help them navigate through their challenges. By having a dedicated corporate counsellor on hand, your staff can benefit from their experience and receive the support they need to be their best selves in the workplace.