therapeutic massage
Imagine the sensation of disappearing into the softness of your own body, releasing tension as you slide into a gentle state of relaxation and let go of all the stresses and strains of the day. As you let go you experience a state of calmness and wholeness that gently revitalizes the body, increasing energy levels and stimulating all-over health.
Gentle touch along the body’s pressure points, helps you to relax and release tension, experience a surge in energy and all-round well-being long after the treatment is finished.
Therapeutic Massage deals effectively with
Back pain and aches
Poor circulation
Osteoarthritis and arthritis pain
Stress, anxiety and tension

I initially went to see Charmaine because I had suffered with lower back pain for several years. After six weeks of intense treatments, I was amazed at the difference it made. Before my treatment I was not sleeping very well because of the severe back ache, along with pins and needles in my arms, it was really affecting my daily life.
I have continued with the treatments periodically as a preventative measure, which has kept everything working well. Unfortunately, in September of 2008 I was having terrible pains which turned out to be an ovarian cyst (7cm). I discussed this with Charmaine, and I had treatments with her until my next scan was due in December. I also had a few reflexology sessions in conjunction with Charmaine’s treatment. When I went back for my scan to make a decision as to what the next course of action would be, to my surprise the scan showed not sign of the cyst or any other signs to indicate it had ever been there- a wonderful relief.
The treatments have made a dramatic difference to my well-being.