sports massage
Sports and remedial massage goes right to the source of the pain. Through subtle techniques it works out the built-up wall of tension, releasing discomfort and muscle ache as you relax and allows the muscles to gently unwind and become cleansed of toxins.
Often injuries sustained over long periods of time can affect the muscular rapport of the surrounding or connected muscle groups. Addressing the whole body, through deep, precise massage and muscle care, Kokoro sports massage will get you fit and ready to take on the day, centred in your body, relaxed, and at the top of your game.
Whether you are young or old, a professional athlete, a weekend gardener, a working mum or a sports-mad teenager, suffering from an injury, Kokoro offers a bespoke, professional service.
Sports and remedial massage deals effectively with:
Strains and sprains
Frozen shoulder
Repetitive strain injury
Tennis elbow
Stiff neck
Osgood Schlatter disease
Rehab after surgery
Children’s growing pains
Sports massage supports
Posture improvement
Performance enhancement
Faster recovery
Muscle/tendon/ligament repair
Injury prevention
Breathing improvement
No matter what the cause of your aches and pains… sports massage is ideal.

therapeutic massage
Imagine the sensation of disappearing into the softness of your own body, releasing tension as you slide into a gentle state of relaxation and let go of all the stresses and strains of the day. As you let go you experience a state of calmness and wholeness that gently revitalizes the body, increasing energy levels and stimulating all-over health.
Gentle touch along the body’s pressure points, helps you to relax and release tension, experience a surge in energy and all-round well-being long after the treatment is finished.
Therapeutic Massage deals effectively with
Back pain and aches
Poor circulation
Osteoarthritis and arthritis pain
Stress, anxiety and tension

I had a cancer operation where all the lymph nodes on the left side of my face were removed, leaving an irritating numbness in the neck and the lower part of the face.
With a series of massage treatments in the affected area, she managed to bring about a good sense of circulation and normality in that area.
I heartily recommend her work as an adjunct to recovery treatment for any number of conditions.